For the next 48 hours, you have access to select Dell Black Friday deals. However, of all the deals available today, the most noteworthy is the XPS 13. You can now get the Editors’ Choice XPS 13 with Intel’s 8th-generation processor for $999.99. The laptop, which is the exact configuration we reviewed last month, normally costs $1,299 or $1,149 on sale, so today’s price is truly a record breaker. Buy on Dell The XPS 13 won our Editors’ Choice award for offering epic battery life (16 hours and 5 minutes to be exact), chart-topping performance, and the same compact, yet stylish design we enjoyed from last year’s XPS 13. In our tests, the new 8th-gen Core i7-8550U processor, which is now quad-core, was 60 percent faster than the similarly configured XPS 13 with Intel’s 7th-gen CPU. From transcoding 4K movies to crunching numbers in Excel, the new XPS 13 is simply a beast. Simply put, the new XPS 13 is the best consumer laptop you can buy right now, especially while it’s $200 off. 

Best Laptop Deals of Today Here Are Dell’s Best Confirmed Black Friday Deals Benchmarked: Dell XPS 13 with 8th Gen CPU is 60 Percent Faster